Timeout error, how to read?


I got several times errors like: Error: Timeout - 1101 - 11 - 31 - 8 - 11 after 6000ms
Full error:

Publish ‘set’ ‘brightness’ to ‘light_2’ failed: ‘Error: Command 0x0017880104500112/11 genLevelCtrl.moveToLevelWithOnOff({“level”:127,“transtime”:10}, {“timeout”:6000,“manufacturerCode”:null,“disableDefaultResponse”:false}) failed (Error: Timeout - 1101 - 11 - 31 - 8 - 11 after 6000ms)’

How do we read this error? I mean, there are several numbers, what do they mean. I understand the ‘after 6000ms’, but the others?

Anybody an idea about this question?