Xiaomi RTCGQ11LM stops working after a while


I’ve got 2x Xiaomi RTCGQ11LM Motion Sensors in different rooms. They worked for a while but seem to have stopped. One was working fine for days, and the other wasn’t.

I’ve re-paired them and they start working fine, but then, at some point, they just stop working.

Everything looks normal in the Z2M log file, and then the device just stops sending any messages/reacting to motion:

info  2020-04-26 12:59:54: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/Cabin_PIR', payload '{"illuminance":173,"illuminance_lux":173,"linkquality":28,"last_seen":"2020-04-26T12:58:24+01:00","occupancy":false}'
debug 2020-04-26 13:01:51: Received Zigbee message from 'Cabin_PIR', type 'attributeReport', cluster 'msIlluminanceMeasurement', data '{"measuredValue":150}' from endpoint 1 with groupID 0
info  2020-04-26 13:01:51: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/Cabin_PIR', payload '{"illuminance":150,"illuminance_lux":150,"linkquality":26,"last_seen":"2020-04-26T13:01:51+01:00","occupancy":false}'
debug 2020-04-26 13:01:51: Received Zigbee message from 'Cabin_PIR', type 'attributeReport', cluster 'msOccupancySensing', data '{"occupancy":1}' from endpoint 1 with groupID 0
info  2020-04-26 13:01:51: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/Cabin_PIR', payload '{"illuminance":150,"illuminance_lux":150,"linkquality":26,"last_seen":"2020-04-26T13:01:51+01:00","occupancy":true}'
debug 2020-04-26 13:01:56: Received Zigbee message from 'Cabin_PIR', type 'attributeReport', cluster 'msIlluminanceMeasurement', data '{"measuredValue":152}' from endpoint 1 with groupID 0
info  2020-04-26 13:01:56: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/Cabin_PIR', payload '{"illuminance":152,"illuminance_lux":152,"linkquality":23,"last_seen":"2020-04-26T13:01:56+01:00","occupancy":true}'
debug 2020-04-26 13:01:56: Received Zigbee message from 'Cabin_PIR', type 'attributeReport', cluster 'msOccupancySensing', data '{"occupancy":1}' from endpoint 1 with groupID 0
info  2020-04-26 13:01:56: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/Cabin_PIR', payload '{"illuminance":152,"illuminance_lux":152,"linkquality":23,"last_seen":"2020-04-26T13:01:56+01:00","occupancy":true}'
info  2020-04-26 13:03:26: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/Cabin_PIR', payload '{"illuminance":152,"illuminance_lux":152,"linkquality":23,"last_seen":"2020-04-26T13:01:56+01:00","occupancy":false}'

Any ideas what could be wrong?


I have also noticed that the working device sends messages such as this, which the one that isn’t working doesn’t seem to be doing:

debug 2020-04-26 07:55:03: Received Zigbee message from 'Kitchen_PIR', type 'attributeReport', cluster 'genBasic', data '{"65281":{"1":3025,"3":23,"4":17320,"5":16,"6":[0,1],"10":1412,"11":232,"100":0}}' from endpoint 1 with groupID 0

Same thing for me with one of my Xiaomi MCCGQ01LM which stop working since few days. However the battery is OK, the device is present in the network map…

Check the other Zigbee devices that it may be using as a router. One of mine had somehow lost its connection and once I got that back, I could then re-pair the Xiaomi - it’s been fine since then.

I have force removed the device and paired again closest to the coordinator and now it works…

Is there a way to force a sensor to link to a router instead then a coordinator ?