Zigbee2MQTT doesn't work on Pi 4

I have a CC2531 stick that works properly with my Windows instance, but if I use it in my Pi 4 with the same configuration (port changed obviously) it doesn’t add new devices. It has access to the port and correctly reports it’s status to my MQTT server.

I have no clue about this and researched it every where. Maybe it’s some interference thing, but the Pi is milimeters away from the device I want to pair it with so that doesn’t seem that possible.

If somebody stumbles upon this post: Don’t ignore undervolt warnings on the Raspberry Pi, otherwise your USB devices might not work properly…

(it’s solved btw, I don’t know how to mark it like that)

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It’s worse than that: I’ve had the Raspberry Pis toast their micro-SD card storage when the power supply/power cable is less than ideal. The genuine Raspberry Pi power supplies are relatively cheap and work very well.