Anyone running PTVO on CC2530 and the Counter function?

I’ve flashed a CC2530 with cc2530_io_1.2.2a.44539_firmware and I’ve installed zigbee2mqtt under docker v1.14.1 dated 2020-06-30 16:45:15. I’m trying to get the Counter function working on the CC2530. I can increment the counter with a push button connected to the GPIO pin and when the CC2530 sends out it’s regular status it reports the Counter value. However, I cannot request the Counter value on demand.

Using MQTT.fx I publish zigbee2mqtt/Solar S0 Counter/get/l1 + payload 1 but it FAILS with no converter available for ‘ptvo.switch’ with cluster ‘genAnalogInput’ and type ‘raw’ and data ‘{“type”:”Buffer”,”data”:[24,42,1,85,0,0,57,0,0,64,64,28,0,0,66]}’

Using a similar command to request the temperature and the on/off status on another GPIO pins (e.g. zigbee2mqtt/Solar S0 Counter/get/l2) works OK.

Here is a copy of the ptvo.switch entry in the devices.js file + the fromZigbee.js file + the toZigbee,js file

The author of the PVTO software says it’s working as far as he is concerned. So what am I doing wrong?

Thanks for reading. Help appreciated. Alan