Centralite 3400 keypad support

I finally updated z2m, but now i am getting this error:

2020-09-08 18:31:23: Received message from unsupported device with Zigbee model ‘3400’

You can buy one of these on amazon.de

Is anyone currently working on adding support for the base “3400” model? I’ve spent the last 10 hours trying to get it to work without any luck.

I have imported a keypad from the US (it seems that it’s a ‘3400’ model, not ‘3400D’ or ‘3401D’) but i dont have any luck pairing it - im getting the following error:
Received message from unsupported device with Zigbee model ‘3400’

It looks like someone must have added support for the base 3400 model, as I am no longer getting the unsupported error.

Thanks to whoever that was. I dont suppose anyone has a quick start guide on how to use the keypad, particularly with Z2M ? I have totally forgotten how it works, and cant seem to get anything to publish re keypad status/action via mqtt.

Its definitely connected to Z2M though, as I am getting some info occasionally

Same issue here, im also struggling with that. I have never used my keypad on any other system and I’m not sure how is it supposed to work.

I have added ‘3400’ to ‘3400-D’ device definition and managed to pair the device and added ‘zigbee_herdsman_debug: true’ to the config (running HASS).
Unfortunately i have tried pressing all the buttons on keypad and none of them seem to write anything in Z2M log.

After pressing a randomly lot of keys i have managed to get my keypad beep and sent something like that to the log:

Zigbee2MQTT:info  2020-11-24 11:54:30: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000d6f00052dd68f', payload '{"action":"disarm","action_code":"3332","action_transaction":9,"action_zone":23,"last_seen":"2020-11-24T11:54:30.353Z","linkquality":221,"temperature":26.52}'
2020-11-24T11:54:30.357Z zigbee-herdsman:deconz:driver networkstate: 2 apsDataConfirm: 0 apsDataIndication: 0 configChanged: 0 apsRequestFreeSlots: 1
Zigbee2MQTT:info  2020-11-24 11:54:30: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000d6f00052dd68f', payload '{"action":"","last_seen":"2020-11-24T11:54:30.353Z","linkquality":221,"temperature":26.52}'
Zigbee2MQTT:info  2020-11-24 11:54:30: MQTT publish: topic 'homeassistant/device_automation/0x000d6f00052dd68f/action_disarm/config', payload '{"automation_type":"trigger","device":{"identifiers":["zigbee2mqtt_0x000d6f00052dd68f"],"manufacturer":"CentraLite","model":"3-Series security keypad (3400-D)","name":"0x000d6f00052dd68f","sw_version":"Zigbee2MQTT 1.16.1"},"payload":"disarm","subtype":"disarm","topic":"zigbee2mqtt/0x000d6f00052dd68f/action","type":"action"}'
Zigbee2MQTT:info  2020-11-24 11:54:30: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000d6f00052dd68f/action', payload 'disarm'
2020-11-24T11:54:31.450Z zigbee-herdsman:deconz:driver send read device state from queue. seqNr: 121
2020-11-24T11:54:31.453Z zigbee-herdsman:deconz:frameParser device state: 10100010
2020-11-24T11:54:31.453Z zigbee-herdsman:deconz:driver networkstate: 2 apsDataConfirm: 0 apsDataIndication: 0 configChanged: 0 apsRequestFreeSlots: 1
2020-11-24T11:54:33.492Z zigbee-herdsman:deconz:frameParser DEVICE_STATE changed: 10101010
2020-11-24T11:54:33.492Z zigbee-herdsman:deconz:driver networkstate: 2 apsDataConfirm: 0 apsDataIndication: 1 configChanged: 0 apsRequestFreeSlots: 1
2020-11-24T11:54:33.498Z zigbee-herdsman:deconz:driver query aps data indication
2020-11-24T11:54:33.559Z zigbee-herdsman:deconz:driver DATA_INDICATION - sending read data request - SeqNr. 122
2020-11-24T11:54:33.564Z zigbee-herdsman:deconz:frameParser DATA_INDICATION RESPONSE - seqNr. 122 srcAddr: 0x68d destAddr: 0xfffd profile id: 0x0 cluster id: 0x13
2020-11-24T11:54:33.564Z zigbee-herdsman:deconz:frameParser response payload: 132,141,6,143,214,45,5,0,111,13,0,128
2020-11-24T11:54:33.564Z zigbee-herdsman:controller:log Device '0x000d6f00052dd68f' joined
2020-11-24T11:54:33.565Z zigbee-herdsman:deconz:driver networkstate: 2 apsDataConfirm: 0 apsDataIndication: 0 configChanged: 0 apsRequestFreeSlots: 1
2020-11-24T11:54:33.565Z zigbee-herdsman:controller:log Device '0x000d6f00052dd68f' accepted by handler
2020-11-24T11:54:33.565Z zigbee-herdsman:controller:log Not interviewing '0x000d6f00052dd68f', completed 'true', in progress 'false'

Im not sure how i have done this and cannot replicate, but kept pressing random keys and eventually got another beep:

Zigbee2MQTT:info  2020-11-24 11:56:37: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000d6f00052dd68f', payload '{"action":"arm_all_zones","action_code":"5555","action_transaction":23,"action_zone":23,"last_seen":"2020-11-24T11:56:37.957Z","linkquality":222,"temperature":26.52}'
2020-11-24T11:56:37.959Z zigbee-herdsman:deconz:driver networkstate: 2 apsDataConfirm: 0 apsDataIndication: 0 configChanged: 0 apsRequestFreeSlots: 1
Zigbee2MQTT:info  2020-11-24 11:56:37: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000d6f00052dd68f', payload '{"action":"","last_seen":"2020-11-24T11:56:37.957Z","linkquality":222,"temperature":26.52}'
Zigbee2MQTT:info  2020-11-24 11:56:37: MQTT publish: topic 'homeassistant/device_automation/0x000d6f00052dd68f/action_arm_all_zones/config', payload '{"automation_type":"trigger","device":{"identifiers":["zigbee2mqtt_0x000d6f00052dd68f"],"manufacturer":"CentraLite","model":"3-Series security keypad (3400-D)","name":"0x000d6f00052dd68f","sw_version":"Zigbee2MQTT 1.16.1"},"payload":"arm_all_zones","subtype":"arm_all_zones","topic":"zigbee2mqtt/0x000d6f00052dd68f/action","type":"action"}'
Zigbee2MQTT:info  2020-11-24 11:56:37: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000d6f00052dd68f/action', payload 'arm_all_zones'
2020-11-24T11:56:41.198Z zigbee-herdsman:deconz:frameParser DEVICE_STATE changed: 10101010
2020-11-24T11:56:41.198Z zigbee-herdsman:deconz:driver networkstate: 2 apsDataConfirm: 0 apsDataIndication: 1 configChanged: 0 apsRequestFreeSlots: 1
2020-11-24T11:56:41.347Z zigbee-herdsman:deconz:driver query aps data indication
2020-11-24T11:56:41.363Z zigbee-herdsman:deconz:driver DATA_INDICATION - sending read data request - SeqNr. 158
2020-11-24T11:56:41.366Z zigbee-herdsman:deconz:frameParser DATA_INDICATION RESPONSE - seqNr. 158 srcAddr: 0x68d destAddr: 0xfffd profile id: 0x0 cluster id: 0x13
2020-11-24T11:56:41.366Z zigbee-herdsman:deconz:frameParser response payload: 134,141,6,143,214,45,5,0,111,13,0,128
2020-11-24T11:56:41.366Z zigbee-herdsman:controller:log Device '0x000d6f00052dd68f' joined
2020-11-24T11:56:41.366Z zigbee-herdsman:deconz:driver networkstate: 2 apsDataConfirm: 0 apsDataIndication: 0 configChanged: 0 apsRequestFreeSlots: 1
2020-11-24T11:56:41.367Z zigbee-herdsman:controller:log Device '0x000d6f00052dd68f' accepted by handler
2020-11-24T11:56:41.367Z zigbee-herdsman:controller:log Not interviewing '0x000d6f00052dd68f', completed 'true', in progress 'false'

@sh00t2kill i know this is not very helpful and you need to keep trying, but try long presses of function keys - click some random buttons and then a long press.

Just to add a couple of things.
According to the manual i have found online device is operated by pressing one of the top three buttons and entering 4 digit code.
When i do that, the device beeps and Zigbee2MQTT actually sends the arm command to MQTT.
After that two weird things happen though:

  1. All three top buttons start blinking and never stop.
  2. The keypad disconnects from Zigbee network. Sometimes it reconnects automatically after few minutes, sometimes it doesn’t reconnect and the keypad needs to be powercycled

Sorry for reviving an old post but @dinth were you able to fully work your Centralite 3400 with z2m?

I am having the same problems as you describe.

Thanks in advance.

Nope unfortunately i havent been able to make it fully work:( The answer is somewhere there, maybe in coding a correct automation (confirming the codes) in HA, but i was not able to make it/