Ikea TRADFRI Driver offline after availability timeout

Hi everyone,

I have switched from ZHA to Zigbee2MQTT and have now migrated almost all my Zigbee devices.
Currently I have a problem with my Ikea Tradfri Driver 10W (ICPSHC24-10EU-IL-1, Firmware: 1.0.4).

The pairing works fine, the device is recognized correctly. But after after some time Zigbee2MQTT marks the device as offline. However, if I send a new command, e.g. turn the light on or off, the command is executed successfully and the device is shown as online again. (So the device is available, but hasn’t sent any updates?)

I noticed that Zigbee2MQTT marks the device as offline after the timeout time in the availability settings (default 10 minutes).
But I did not understand why the device does not receive a ping from the coordinator? (As mentioned here, before the devices goes offline)

No special entry in the logs either (Log level = Debug):

Info 2024-06-10 17:38:54MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/Ikea_Driver_showcase', payload '{"brightness":102,"last_seen":"2024-06-10T17:30:28+02:00","linkquality":66,"power_on_behavior":"previous","state":"OFF","update":{"installed_version":-1,"latest_version":-1,"state":null},"update_available":null}'
Info 2024-06-10 17:39:55MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/Ikea_Driver_showcase', payload '{"brightness":102,"last_seen":"2024-06-10T17:30:28+02:00","linkquality":66,"power_on_behavior":"previous","state":"OFF","update":{"installed_version":-1,"latest_version":-1,"state":null},"update_available":null}'
Info 2024-06-10 17:40:57MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/Ikea_Driver_showcase/availability', payload '{"state":"offline"}'
Info 2024-06-10 17:40:57MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/Ikea_Driver_showcase', payload '{"brightness":102,"last_seen":"2024-06-10T17:30:28+02:00","linkquality":66,"power_on_behavior":"previous","state":"OFF","update":{"installed_version":-1,"latest_version":-1,"state":null},"update_available":null}'

Zigbe2MQTT: 1.36.1
Ikea Driver: ICPSHC24-10EU-IL-1, Firmware: 1.0.4

Does anyone know of this problem or know how to prevent the driver or Zigbee2MQTT from setting the device to offline?

Thank you very much for your help!
Best regards,