Zigbee2Mqtt dongle possible?

I stumpled across this project because i was looking for a real zigbee2mqtt device.
I found a lot solutions to get zigbee devices controlled but no really direct translator.

I am new to this topic, reading about for 4 weeks, and i dont understand everthing at the moment. And so i am wondering that there is no zigbee arduino device.

The CC2531 has uart and there should be possibility to get the packages from zigbee through arduino/esp to internet/mqtt.

Can someone explain me what the firmeware is doing on the stick?
May it be possible to build a low cost gateway, with ESP for wifi/ethernet shield?

Cant find something like this.
Btw Great Project orderd a usb device to get deeper in and will support if everything works as expected.

kind regards

This is what Iā€™m using

First of all i have to flash the cc2530?

Yes, the cc2530 needs to be flashed with the coordinator firmware.