Multiple coordinators? (Failover)


Is it possible to run two coordinators or to connect to pc’s to one coordinator. I want to have my zigbee network running 24/7 without any downtime. Are there possibilities?

Kind regards,

You can have two coordinators, but then some of your devices will be connected to the first, some to the second. It does not help to avoid downtime.
The best thing is to have one zigbee2mqtt in standby.

How would you set up a zigbee2mqtt “in standby” ?

I just install it on a second pi. Copy the data folder over from my running instance.

If I have problems on my running instance, I can just do

sudo systemctl stop zigbee2mqtt
sudo systemctl stop socat-vusb.service

and on my standby pi the opposite :

sudo systemctl start socat-vusb.service
sudo systemctl start zigbee2mqtt

Is it also possible to make an “Sniffer” zigbee2mqtt.
So it sniffs the main network and my home assistant can see when smoke is detected from my smoke detectors for example.

How is that possible?